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Out Of Hour's Funerals

Body Release and Collection


Once the MCCD has been issued arrangements for the deceased to be collected can be made.  If the death took place in a hospital, collection can only be arranged through the hospital Duty Manager and only released from the hospital mortuary. 


Normal weekday body release from UHL must be arranged by emailing the LRI mortuary (PPD).  Their email address is 


Download UHL body Release Form


If the death took place within the community, the collection will be made from the home or care home.


Note: For community deaths and where the MCCD has not been issued, however, the GP has been contacted and has provided assurance that he or she will be issuing, the body can be collected and kept in a community-based mortuary. Bathing and shrouding, however, cannot be carried out until the MCCD has been obtained.


In certain instances, a community death will be reported by the attending paramedics to the Coroner as the GP could not be contacted but is likely to issue the MCCD as death was expected. In such instances, the Coroner may authorise the removal of the deceased for safe and secure storage at one of the community-based mortuary's. In such cases, the deceased cannot be viewed or prepared for burial until the Coroner has cleared it or until the MCCD has been obtained.


Contacting University Hospitals of Leicester (UHL)


Switchboard - 0300 303 1573​


UHL - Website

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